jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

Orchid, I Am Nietzche, Dance Tonight, Revolution Tomorrow, 2000, Ebullition Records, USA.

La letra incluye una cita de Más allá del bien y del mal 192(Al oído le resulta penoso y difícil oír algo nuevo; una música extraña la oímos mal.), el nombre de F. Nietzsche esta mal escrito a propósito.


"to hear something new is hard and
painful for the ear. We hear the music
of forigners badly."
i make the sounds you can't understand-
this is my critique!
this is my subversion!
this is my revolution!
i make the sounds that you can't
understand. My fingers, my voice
slide into every orifice.
You (I) own these words.
This is friendship.
That's what friends are for-
1886 was a very good year- and
you know this to be true.
Thus spake me.

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